Grow Your Business
With Flexible Financing
Integrate smarter technology into your operation
and see how it's easily possible with the right funding
Cultivate Cashflow
We know how important it is to be sustainable when your operating capital is tied to how much you produce at harvest. We take this and your other unique business needs into consideration.
Our seasoned team of finance professionals work with you to overcome potential obstacles like budget constraints. Our custom financing helps you get affordable payment terms that even work around seasonal budgets.
Improve Your Green Thumb
With Flexible Funding To Get The Job Done
Finance container farming and the components needed to light, heat and water automatically and remotely. Our financing makes it more affordable to outfit and furnish indoor operations so you can grow sustainably and even expand your growing season through vertical farming.
Environmental Controls
Looking to elevate how your business grows? Tailored funding can help create an environment your business wants. From specialized lighting, HVAC to irrigation systems, we have flexible financing plans, longer payment terms and other strategies that make these acquisitions work.
With the promise of greater yield and improved efficiency agri-tech can be a smart investment. With the right financing it can be easily within reach too. We support a full range of horticultural and agricultural technology so you can improve the quality and quantity of what's grown with funding that makes the most sense for your business.
Complete your growing season faster and more efficiently with new and even more equipment. We can customize financing quickly with affordable and fixed payment terms so you can get to work knowing what it will cost and how you'll pay to plow, plant and harvest.